
Crab Cakes, Breaded Tilapia w/ Spanish Rice and Side Salad

Tonight's meal was Crab Cakes, Breaded Tilapia, with Spanish rice and side salad. The Rasputin is for me. I like to drink when I cook because the two greatest influences on my style are my Grandmother and Justin Wilson. I f you don't know who that is look him up and learn something (a little for the turkey, a little for me!)!

My Crab Cakes consist of ;
1 can of Crab Meat
5 thin strand's of Chives
2 tlbsp's of Lemon Pepper
2 tlbsp's Cayanne Pepper
1 tlbsp's Sea Salt
1/2 Cup of Bread Crumbs
and one egg!
no big secret here just some bomb ass crab cakes

For the Tilapia mix the bread crumbs, Lemon Pepper, Cayenne, and Sea Salt. Separately mix an egg wash containing milk, egg, Louisiana Hot Sauce, and water. Dip the fish in the wash and then into the bread crumb mixture. For the Spanish rice boil two cups of water and then add contents of the package. I know, it sounds lazy but Thanksgiving is coming and I have a full time job so bite me! For the salad I cut up some Romaine lettuce, carrots, onions, tomatoes and Pepperoncini's. It takes just a few minutes to fry the crab cakes and Tilapia then wha-la you have a beautiful and healthy dinner!

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